Lighting Control Systems

C-Bus lighting control system New Zealand

C-Bus Lighting Control System

C-Bus cannot really be considered a ‘latest trend’ as it has a long and proven history as a prominent player in the fields of commercial lighting controls and home automation. It does however provide a robust and reliable framework, with…

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Lighting Control Technology NZ

Lighting Control Technology Translated

Lighting Control Technology – Explaining the Jargon! Our industry is full of those who pepper their talk with mystifying gobbledygook, possibly because it makes them sound as if they know what they’re talking about, particularly when it comes to lighting…

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school lighting systems

Lighting Control in Education

School Lighting Systems For education establishments such as universities and schools lighting control has a different primary purpose. Given the difficulties of juggling rising costs against current educational budgets, saving energy (and therefore reducing power bills) is still important and…

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