Kathmandu – Retail Stores – Call System

Sector: Offices
Lead Engineer: Mushafiq Bhat

Kathmandu Chch 470x283 - Kathmandu - Retail Stores - Call SystemKathmandu were seeking a ‘call for assistance’ system that could be installed in the fitting rooms inside their stores. The requirement was for a push button in the fitting rooms that a customer could push if a different size/colour, or any other assistance was required while they were trying on clothing. When activated an indicator light was to flash outside the cublicle, and a common indicator was to flash on the shop floor to alert staff. Once assistance was provided the staff could then re-set the indicator from the shop floor.

Intelligent Environments supplied a Rapix system that met Kathmandu’s requirements. Being plug and play it provided an ‘out of the box’ solution that did not require on-site commissioning. IEL provided wiring diagrams for the electrical contractors to follow. Feedback from installation staff was excellent: drawings were clear, easy to understand, and the projects were completed without any hassles.

To date, systems have been provided to new stores in Newmarket, Auckland, and to Christchurch.