WEL Networks, Hamilton
Intelligent Environments Limited were asked to provide lighting control of the workshop areas of WEL Network’s new premises. Multiple zones and switching locations were required.
Intelligent Environments Limited were selected to provide a lighting control system for the new SKM tenancy at the Carlaw Park greenstar rated building. The design called for light harvesting and zoned lighting control from PIRs, multiple meeting room controlled with…
Ascot Sleep Centre
This is a purpose built 6-bed sleep laboratory, a dedicated environment to assess a patient’s sleep patterns and assist in re-setting body timeclocks. Full control of every lighting circuit was required from the technician’s centre. Using Schedule Plus™ software Intelligent…
Langham Hotel Spa Complex
High level design and programming was required for this project as each consulting room was to be used in a variety of different ways. Intelligent Environments Limited were called in by the electrical contractor to provide the level of expertise…
Sancta Maria School, New Gymnasium
Although not a large project, the requirement for energy management is virtually standard in all new buildings. Intelligent Environments Limited have been asked to provide light harvesting in their new purpose built gymnasium using light level sensors and dimmable light…
Bridgestone Tyres
The existing system at these premises was approximately 10 years old. Intelligent Environments Limited were asked to provide a simple upgrade to make the system more energy efficient. Working with Bridgestone’s energy consultants, this was achieved with new light level…
Blackwoods Paykel
This company required solar lighting control for their new Highbrook facility. The aim was to ensure lux levels were kept at target levels, and that artificial lighting was not over utilised when natural lux levels were high. Intelligent Environments Limited…